Welcome to The Sole Firm Fashions
Who we are
The Sole Firm Fashions is dedicated to celebrating the blend of sneakers and street style and fashion. TSF Fashions gathers your favorite,  designers, trendsetters, and world changers into one unique place to give you an exclusive look at all things style and how the world of sneaker collecting and how it correlates with fashion.
Our Team
Get to Know Us
Along with sneakers and music, Retro has yet another passion and that's fashion and style. Retro is very inspirational in inspiring others to show their individual style, as a result TSF Fashions was founded.
As Co Founder of TSF Fashions, Lala has a very strong love for fashion and showing her creativity in what she wears from heels to sneakers her sense of style is unmatched. Driven by that passion  Lala helps show case that same creativity within the TSF Network, she is artistic director for TSF Fashions.
As Co Founder for TSF Fashions, GC wanted to have a platform where everyone in the sneaker community gets a opportunity to showcase there style from designer to street wear GC gives us a visual of all of his many different styles.